At first glance, Kulin seems unassuming, and easily blends into conversation as well as his surroundings. Similarly, he may not seem all that bright or deeply insightful, yet his easy, common sense approach blends into the fabric of a discussion. Nor will you see him overrun a battlefield with his sword, which is more akin to a dagger; his arms, no bigger than a human's wrists. No, Kulin's way is the way gnomes have survived for centuries: to defeat a charging bull with the subtle flicker of a flag, to win over an enraged countryman with a well placed apology. Neighbors become allies in such ways, enemies vanquished.
It takes some time to see what distinguishes Kulin. He dresses well, keeps his camp organized, and always appears clean. At the same time, he appears very comfortable with nature and its environs, even appearing to chat with the small animals that cross his path. There are, of course, his minor tricks: His magical steed that can proceed at breakneck speeds is one. At times, multiple Kulins appear to weave in and out of his being, confusing friends and enemies alike. But, for those who look closer, there seems to be more to him than minor tricks.
For one, his tiny sword appears beautifully made, etched in dwarven runes. Indeed, although a human boy who has yet to see 10 winters may be stronger, with a singular flash and a whip's crack Kulin's delivers a repoirte that could have been inflicted by an ogre. Even his crossbow, apparently made of the finest woods, appears magically enhanced. Sometimes it fires multiple shots in a row, other times a single arrow splits into hundreds, blanketing an area with a deadly rain of missiles.
Then there are his friends. Everywhere he goes, they appear from nowhere. Even a stranger becomes his friend; or even when not, Kulin is still busy negotiating, asking forgiveness, or simply listening. Words are his weapon of choice.
But in the end you wonder: what else does this gnome have to reveal? Time, perhaps, could answer that for you...or you could just ask.
As the party enters into the outskirts of the Fens, Kulin begins to talk in a voice just loud enough for the rest of the party to hear. "We are entering an area that has a powerful but sad history. Sharing the information that I received in Drellin’s might give us insight into what to expect here,” adds Kulin.
“The City of Rhest was once the capitol of the Dukedom of Rhestilior and as such the center of civilization in the area. Approximately 300 years of prosperity reigned upon this area and its residents. Shortly after those 300 years a wave of corruption, treachery and civil strife weakened the dukedom to such an extent that it was unable to recover from the various humanoid raids from the surrounding lands. From what I have gathered about 200 years ago there was a large siege by humanoids on Rhest and ultimately Rhest was sacked,” pauses Kulin, his legs getting tired from the water filling his boots.
“The history as to how or why the humanoids were whipped into a frenzy is not clear, but there was rumor that the leader had a powerful force of nature backing him. It is speculated that their leader had in some way gained favor of the many tribal shamans, resulting in cementing the tribes under one banner. That banner being a skeletal two headed lion its mane wreathed in black flames. In the aftermath of the destruction of Rhest, the survivors abandoned their homes and resettled in Dennovar, Brindol and similar communities in the south. During this time the area was a fertile land. Levies to the north of Rhest held back the Stonewash River and made the area prosperous for agriculture. It seems that shortly after the sacking of the city, the locals running as fast as they could from the city and as the humanoids were enjoying themselves burning and looting that their leader Tear’cul’duli, for unknown reasons had caused the levies to burst, causing the entire area to be flooded. Essentially this caused all within 20 square miles to be drowned, human and humanoid alike, possibly hundreds of thousands of people. It is not clear why their leader had done this. The resulting flood created the Blackfens. According to Glok the Blackfens and Lake Rhestin cover an area of about 20 square miles. Is that right,” looking to Glok.
Glok nodding his head, up to his thigh in murky water holding up a leach in his fingers adding, “don’t forget to pick the leaches off your legs,” as he pops the leach into his mouth smiling.
Kulin, putting the pieces together in his head, “This is where the story of Emery Vraath takes off and his keep in the Witchwood. He had left shortly before the flood and tried to draw refuges to his name and rebuild what was destroyed from the flood.”
Brandar adds, "Most of the construction in this area has been built by dwarfs, save for the Keep, that was built by giants. I noticed that about 20% of the buildings in the towns we have visited were built by dwarfs. I remember that there was at one time a dwarven community south west of my homeland, but the name escapes me. Of the structures that I have seen, they are all over 50 years old."
As several hours roll on, the party trekking through the Blackfens, Glok takes the lead and spots a mossy island of mud and peat protruding from the marsh. Two gnarled trees growing from the mound, and sprawled across the ground over the knobby roots of the trees appears to be the bloody remains of a horse sized owl. The once magnificent birds body has been partially dissolved in places, and swaths of foul, dark green fluid still sizzle and pop, eating away at the exposed flesh and bone.
As the battle ensues, the hero’s do the best they can to destroy the beast. The Harrowblade has in place of hands, razorsharp wings with which it strikes its enemies. As brander falls under the last corrosive breath of the Harrowblade, Calyassa rushes to heal the dying dwarf. The dragon spawn is destroyed and the party decides that now is the time to camp.
Disscusion around the campground turns to the creatures that the party has fought as of yet.
Brander stroking his half dissolved bread recounts some facts, “Harrowblades are not a natural product of our world. If I remember right they are created from the eggs of true dragons and transformed under a sacred ritual dedicated to the Dragon Queen, Tiamat. They possess all the traits of a magical beast which include only truly damaged by magical weapons, immunity to sleep, paralysis and the prime element from which it is born, in this case acid. Traditionally Harrowblades use hit and run tactics as well as ambushing from underwater. We also know that they have an acidic breath and where there is one there are more.”
"There is one more thing, the dragon Regarix. From the information we gathered from that scum of a hobgoblin at the blockade we are dealing with a human sized black dragon. I can tell you that he has liquid acid as a breath weapon, not a gas. Why that matters im not sure. By the size we have a juvenile or young dragon. Remember their breath weapon can fire after just about every 12 or more seconds. Blacks like greens are immune to acid and can swim as well as fly. We know that this Sa'arrvith rides the dragon as a mount. so we can expect some type of action from the rider. I am almost positive that this dragon has immunities to magic," grumbles Brander
“We also need to beware the swamp itself. As we move deeper into the swamp I have a feeling that or travel speed is going to be reduced by about a fourth of what were used to. I expect that we might even be swimming at times. A few times I have been up to my waist in water, not my choice battleground. Who is first watch," asking Glok?
The halfling sitting to the right of Imorel, introduces himself as Kellin Shadowbanks, head of the halfling clan here in Drelling’s Ferry. Good natured and affable, Kellin has brown hair, dressing in silks, rare in this area, with a fashionable broad-belted waistcoat.
"We have very pressing business to attend to Speaker, so I will get right to it. Drellin's Ferry is going to be sacked in the very near future," says Kulin as he very carefully eye's every member at the table to get the point across.
“More Ale!!!!” bellows Brandar from the table that they are all sitting at.
Kulin ignores the bellicose dwarf and snaps his finger. At once, the table seemingly comes to life: the surface waves as mounds form, miniature trees sprout up along the edges, and a bridge forms over a chasm. The table has become a shadowy, though life-like map.
According to Jorr and the two hobgoblins that were captured the army is gathering at Cinder Hill, about a day’s journey there and back. The prisoners say the army is in the thousands, Jorr finding that very hard to believe, excepting that the presence of a dragon is proof enough to believe that hobgoblin is telling the truth. The party deems it necessary to travel to Cinder Hill to find out for themselves.
As evening pulls the curtains around the sky the road you have been following crests a rugged ridge, sparsely covered with wind twisted pine trees. From the ridge you find yourself looking across a large broad vale, with a rugged knoblike hill or small mountain on the opposite side. The Dawn Way cuts through the valley like a knife. The valley is filled with a great encampment. Hundreds of tents dot the valley floor, interspersed with bulky siege engines, groups of wagons, some holding slaves others holding supplies and holding pens for draft beasts. You can easily make out hundreds of warriors in view at any given time. Bands of goblin worg riders patrol the outskirts, battalions of fierce hobgoblins engage in mock battles with martial shouts and the clang of steel on steel, hulking giants plod from place to place with large sacks of boulders at their hips, and far in the distance you see a scarlet colored dragon lazily circling overhead, riding on the fading thermals of the day. This is easily an army numbering in the thousands!
Kulin agrees to the meeting and summons the rest of the party, thinking it prudent to have Boyd there as well, to gather in the common room down stairs. Kulin, Darkman, Brandar and Boyd go to talk to the town speaker.
"Our town is under attack," the speaker begins. "Humanoid raiders have been harrowing our town for weeks now. The have attacked our outlying farms and homesteads killing the people living there, as well as waylaying travelers and merchants along the Dawn Way."
Captain Soranna adds, "We have had trouble with them before, a quick raid on border homes west of the Elsir, usually not that bad, but this is different. It looks as if a large tribe has moved out of the Wyrmsmoke Mountians. Frankly, I believe they may be numerous enough to sack the town."
"Beyond the immediate threat to our homes and farms, the Dawn Way is our life blood," stresses the speaker. "If the hobgoblins make the road impassable, trade will not come this way and we will be ruined. Not only do we need to repel the raiders but we need to keep the road open. Will you help us?"
After several hours have gone by and questions asked the group agrees to help. Here are the initial facts.
The morning brings a new direction.
As the hours pass by the group remains steadily quiet. An hour before camp sets a rider come out from the southern Dim forest. The wagon with Boyd and the teamster seemed not alarmed. Kulin,the gnome, coolly looks to Boyd to see if alarm is warranted. Boyd, not appearing worried, Kulin turns to look at the approaching worg ridding goblin. Boyd and the goblin converse and after about 5 minutes, introductions are made and camp is set.
As the journey of the second day comes to an end, the town of Tarwin's Gap is seen in the distance. Overcome by shadows of the setting sun, blocked out by the giant mountian range known as the Crystal Mists the town lies about a 10 minute ride by horse back. The wagon with Boyd and the teamster stays behind as Brandar, Kulin, Dark man and Glok go in to take a look. As they approach, what they see beyond is utter destruction. Only the remains of a few buildings stand, hollowed out by fire. The party splits up looking for evidence of what happened. Some time goes by and Glok the goblin signals Boyd to come into town.
After some preliminary talk amoungst the group, it is clear that this is the work of the raiders and bandits they were warned about before setting out on this journey. Very few bodies were left and of those most were women and children. Few men were found dead with the wounds of battle. Just before night fall, Dark man is spotted carrying a childs body to a grave that was dug by his own hands.