Leaving Drellin’s for the Ruins of Rhest
“We must wait for Glok so that he knows our plan. He told us to meet him on the outskirts of town, several hours past midday,” informs Kulin.
Bo shaking off his enormous hangover just grumbles. Calyassa tests her armor straps, prepping for the long ride to the Ruins of Rhest.
Emerging from the forest with the two huge wolves that are his companions, Glok smiles through drooling spiked teeth. “Where we go now?”
“We make haste to Rhest…no pun intended, sorry,” smiles Kulin.
“Pun? What do you mean gnome?” asks Glok
Calyassa laughing, introduces herself to Glok. Still a little uneasy traveling with a goblin under the circumstances, Kulin and Brandar both gave word on Gloks character the evening before. “I will consult with Pelor about Glok, but I appreciate your words of trust.”
“We must get there as fast as possible, I believe our best move it to travel to Rhest and discover what this Wyrmlord Sa’arvith is up to. I don’t like the rumors of Tiamat’s shock troops up in these ruins as well. This may be the best chance we have of actually making a telling blow to the Red Hand. We also need to investigate this blockade as it appears this is a vital strategic vein for the allied forces,” muses Kulin.

The hero’s spur their mounts to get as far as possible with the late start. In the morning of the second day to Rhest the party is traveling along the road and a hobgoblin steps out into the road, roaring at the party and rushing Brandar.
Bursting through the trees canopy, a brilliantly emerald green dragon the size of a large human dives on the party and breathes a noxious cloud of corrosive gas upon the hero’s. In tandem, another of those otherworldly man-sized wolves charges Calyassa and engages the warrior priestess.
As the melee continues, Ozranndion howls, “I have been sent to finish what I could not earlier, by the order of Abrithrax! You must die here and now, failure is not an option!” Darting in and out of the tree line, Kulin launches his repeating crossbow into the trees, arrows seeking out the evading dragon.
The fight is won in the end with the interrogation and ultimate execution of Ozranndion. Brandar attempted to skin and strip the dragon of anything that may or may not be useful, rather than carrying the carcass. After a couple hours of butchering the body of Ozranndion, Bo rolls up the meaty skin still oozing blood and fat and stuffs into his bag.
After several days of traveling the party passes by the villages of Terrelton, Talar and heads north to Witchcross. All but Glok move into town to get some supplies and information, making the stop a short one.

Once our travelers pass through the outskirts of Witchcorss and pick up the Old Rhest Trail, in the distance can be seen a large wooden stockade. Using the magic rope that Glok found and approaching the walls under the cloaking power Kulin, our hero's seige the stockade.
Before the last member of the stockade is put to the sword the party questions the leader of the stockade. The information that is gleaned names Sa’arrvith as the leader of the Kulkor Zhul among the Blackfens. He rides a black dragon named Regarix. Sa’arrvith is a hunter of great renown amongst the Red Hand. The sorcerer knows nothing of what is going on in the marsh and why a Wyrmlord is stationed there.
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