Skull Gorge Bridge
After returning to the bridge and seeing what was beyond at Cinder Hill, the day draws to an end and the party goes to camp in the woods beyond on the south side of the bridge.
That evening the party is interrupted at by a wicked looking lupine creature that announces it’s presence. As it approaches on the fringes of the group it stands on its large hindquarters, oddly standing like a human and begins to speak. It introduced its self as Ixella and had orders to deliver not only a truce but an offer of allegiance. After the terms were laid down and the conditions stated the group pulled together and after a very brief conversation tried to negotiate with Ixella.
“The terms are as stated. I was told that this is the one and only offer that was to be delivered. If it was turned down then the Kulkor Zhul "Children of the Dragon" would destroy you along with the rest of Elsir Vale.
Brandar becoming belligerent begins to taunt Ixella and demand more money or they personally destroy this little uprising. “I demand to speak with your leader”, as Brandar flexes his fists. “We will only discuss the terms of the arrangement with whoever is in charge.”
Ixella falling down to all four legs, backing away from the group slowly says, “This is the only deal, take it or leave it. What shall I tell my master?”
Receiving the hero’s answer, Ixella leaves to inform the horde.

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