As the hours pass by the group remains steadily quiet. An hour before camp sets a rider come out from the southern Dim forest. The wagon with Boyd and the teamster seemed not alarmed. Kulin,the gnome, coolly looks to Boyd to see if alarm is warranted. Boyd, not appearing worried, Kulin turns to look at the approaching worg ridding goblin. Boyd and the goblin converse and after about 5 minutes, introductions are made and camp is set.
As the journey of the second day comes to an end, the town of Tarwin's Gap is seen in the distance. Overcome by shadows of the setting sun, blocked out by the giant mountian range known as the Crystal Mists the town lies about a 10 minute ride by horse back. The wagon with Boyd and the teamster stays behind as Brandar, Kulin, Dark man and Glok go in to take a look. As they approach, what they see beyond is utter destruction. Only the remains of a few buildings stand, hollowed out by fire. The party splits up looking for evidence of what happened. Some time goes by and Glok the goblin signals Boyd to come into town.
After some preliminary talk amoungst the group, it is clear that this is the work of the raiders and bandits they were warned about before setting out on this journey. Very few bodies were left and of those most were women and children. Few men were found dead with the wounds of battle. Just before night fall, Dark man is spotted carrying a childs body to a grave that was dug by his own hands.
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